Film clip of Wilberforce the Wombat -
a tiny ant book for young readers.
a tiny ant book for young readers.
Sally Triggs and her family were camping at Wonboyn Lake when she kindly offered to read a couple of pages of this story to her children Chloe and Jessie. The children were still a little sleepy as it was quite early in the morning. Not long after they packed up and headed off towards Victoria on their way to Perth, Western Australia. They love wombats and we have a big fellow who wanders the park after dark, feeding on the grassy slope just near the laundry with a mob of kangaroos.
This story was initiated by a family camping trip in the high country. Uncle Tot just happened to pitch his tent on a wombat trail. He refused to move it and was kept awake all night by the wombat bouncing off his tent.
Helen has managed to capture the almost slapstick wombat behaviour beautifully. Her illustrations create great hilarity with littlies rolling around laughing at Wilberforce.
To order your copy of Wilberforce the Wombat email me for a list of those stocking my books in your area.
Hi Sally - many thanks for taking the time to record this reading with your two sleepy children. They looked so cosy tucked up in bed. Happy travels.