Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Film clip of The Bunyip in Fiery Creek

Film clip of The Bunyip in Fiery Creek - a chapter book for older readers.

Sue is a Palawa aboriginal woman and lectures in Aboriginal studies.  She very kindly offered to read  part of this story about the Bunyip in Fiery Creek.
The bunyip story fascinated me and I wanted to take it from pre settlement to present day.
Sue helped me by reading the manuscript to ensure I had presented all the Koorie information correctly and sensitively.
At the back of the book I have produced the newspaper article from the 1950's which was reprinted from an earlier edition in the 1800's. 
Introducing a young Koorie boy from the city to the bush was quite a challenge but Levi proved to be a vital link from first settlement of the land to present day.
I hope everyone enjoys this celebration of the relationships grandparents have with their grandchildren.
 This story is suitable for 8 to 80 year old readers!

To order your copy of The Bunyip in Fiery Creek email me for a list of those stocking my books in your area.  susiesarah@hotmail.com.au

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sue for reading part of the Bunyip story. It's amazing how many children and adults now believe in bunyips and that many aboriginal cultural centres are stocking this book.
