Friday, 12 August 2022





I am still a great fan of the late Graham Pizzey - an ornithologist, natural history author, publisher of bird field guides and extremely talented bird photographer.

When l lived on Mt Abrupt in the Grampians, Victoria, Graham and his wife Sue became our closest neighbours and a source of knowledge for me in particular.

Graham had a great gift of understanding the interaction of animals, plants, insects in the environment around him.  His books make intriguing reading and transport the reader to places of wonder.  He was so much in touch with the natural world that a walk down a bush track with him was filled with new experiences and insights into the lives of the creatures around us.  I hope this simple story tempts you to find a water bowl then watch the birds and animals coming in for a drink and a bath.`



Many people spend a fortune on fancy bird seed to attract native birds.

At our place a bowl of water does the trick.


When I lived in the Grampians decades ago my neighbor, ornithologist, photographer and journalist Graham Pizzey swore by his fancy bird-pudding recipe for attracting birds. He proudly listed all the species he had lined up for a feed at his door.


In honour of his memory I recently mixed some up – a good dollop of lard, grated tasty cheese, bird seed, grated apple and honey – melted it together – set it in the fridge – and served it up to our Wonboyn birds.

I was amazed to see them reject it. Couldn’t even get a bower-bird interested – and we all know they eat pretty well anything!


Later on a massive, elderly, eastern grey kangaroo ambled over drooling in anticipation and happily polished most of it off. He must have been pretty impressed as later that evening he invited one of his girl-friends to dine at our place and became quite huffy when I told him it was off the menu.


That basic ceramic bowl of water I mentioned earlier is still by far the best attractor bringing in birds, animals and reptiles too.

Old-man goanna – all eight feet of him – tried to come inside recently. Perhaps he’d had too much to drink!


Most of the birds like a bath – especially on hot days. With our lack of rain I notice there is quite a queue and pecking order around the bowl. I monitor the water levels and top it up when needed.


Thuggish rainbow lorikeets, as usual, rule the roost. They happily bathe together – and it’s quite a squeeze at times. Magpies barely fit in the bowl and empty it out pretty quickly. Little red-browed fire-tailed finches line up around the rim taking turns, having a drink while they wait and Mr. Whippy our flamboyant whip-bird jumps in feet first. Inside the bus I hear him land with a clunk – and was just fortunate enough to snap a revealing bath-room shot.


The grey shrike thrush drinks first then bathes later, leaving a trail of silvery song behind. Bowerbirds are sneaky – they pop in for a quick dip when no-one is looking – then fly inside the bus for forage around if the door is open. Scrub wrens introduce their peeping babies, teaching them that cleanliness is a good trait – they also come inside to do a little house cleaning. Mr. Superb, the blue wren, brings along his bevy of females then stares at his beautiful reflection in the clear, still water. He once bought along a shiny yellow petal from a ground-creeping bush-flower to display to his harem – show-off!


The lyre-birds don’t have time to drink at the bowl – they prefer to play chasey around the pittosporum trees behind the bus then a paddle in the creek and have a karaoke contest at the bottom of the hill, where the acoustics are the best.


And just after dark the night-shift clocks on!

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