Two new "Tiny Ant" books - Snug Cove Sam and Bob the Bakery Cat are now ready for release.
I pick them up from Shepparton Printing Service on the 2nd of March then they will be in the Victorian outlets from the 3rd onwards.
Some schools again booked a day of writing, illustration and story performance - Noorat and Strathmerton Primary Schools.
You can catch up with me at book signings right through March - the first at Valley Books in Shepparton on Saturday the 7th - then Gifted Wombat in Stawell on Saturday the 14th, Blanes Newsagency in Colac during the afternoon on Friday 20th and Malacoota Newsagency on Saturday the 28th. Come along and have a personal inscription for your friends and family in my books.
The launch for these two little first readers is at the Eden Killer Whale Museum on Saturday April the 11th - during the school holidays with a full day of fun for families. We have a cupcake competition for all ages with cake stalls in the morning to honour Bob the hungry Bakery Cat then lots of colouring sheets for the kids to enjoy, readings of the books and some theatre with the kids acting out stories. Come along and buy some baked goods as proceeds will go to Look Good Feel Better - a local cancer charity.
ABC open has been busy with my blogs and has also published some of my photography. Just google ABC Open Susie Sarah and read lots of Wonboyn stories and some written for their topics as well.
If you're wondering how the Bunyip in Fiery Creek is faring, it will be in the shops in September giving me a chapter book for older and more advanced readers. I will also have another collection of short stories - All Creatures Short and Tall - out as well. This one features our cats, dogs, horses and even some chooks. A must for animal lovers.
I hope to see you while out and about with these two new editions - oh and by the way Emily Emu Chick is being reprinted as well so book sales are going strong!