Monday, 1 December 2014

The Bush is Blooming

It's ages since I've added to this blog which is amazing as I've been contributing heaps to ABC Open with new blogs and photos.
The photo of this bower was taken a week ago not far from the Wonboyn Cabins and park - just a few feet off the roadside.
Check out all the blue bits and pieces this industrious bird has collected - I noticed that the bower birds have been pinching blue pegs from the clotheslines too! Some have added yellow flowers to give a nice mosaic of colour.
A few weeks ago we were in Tassie - I saw 5 schools and now have books in shops around the state. The response was amazing and l look forward to going back next year with 4 new books.                           
The bush here is blooming like crazy. We have had some heavy rains - sometimes 3 inches at a time - followed by lots of sunshine so the flowers have been spectacular.
The birds respond accordingly with many raising an extra clutch of eggs and baby birds are calling in for a free feed daily.
This year l have been trying to record the flowers and note that my photographic skills are in need of an update. 
On the writing front l decided to up the pace a little and produce four books for release next year.
Helen is either shocked or delighted - I'm not sure which as yet.
She is illustrating two - tiny ant - books now. Snug Cove Sam - a story about a little dog who goes out fishing and barks at all and sundry is almost completed and then she will start on Bob the Bakery Cat next. I met this lovely cat in Tassie at the Longford Bakery and he seemed just right for a story.
Both these books will be A5 format.
Happily the chapter book for children is now completed and is at the editing stage so The Bunyip in Fiery Creek will be released around September next year with All Creatures Short and Tall - a collection of stories about dogs, cats, horses, snakes, a pig -----------
So tomorrow the 3rd of December we head off into Gippsland for 3 book signings - the first at Collins in Bairnsdale with Caroline then we are at Atrium Books in Morwell with Ray and staff all day and finally on Saturday we catch up with Liz and Trevor at Collins Sale. If you are in the area drop in and say Hi!
Brian is hoping to catch a gummy shark on the 90 mile beach and I'm keen to get some photos and perhaps write a few more stories for the book while we're away.
It's pretty full on here at Wonboyn with the park filling up with visitors and keen fishermen. Robbie and Bucky are looking forward to time with their grandkids soon too.
The launch for the two little books will be in Eden at the Killer Whale Museum on April the 11th so mark that down in your calendars.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Launch of two new titles!

Tomorrow I head off to pick up my new books - Jumping Jack Jones and How to Wash YourUndies. In celebration of writing a collection of short stories with a rural theme I have had Helen design a "Chook Lit" logo and thought you might enjoy meeting a local Wonboyn chook - that is the one with white feathers not the one in orange - and I don't mean the tractor!
Such fun I will have travelling solo - NOT I miss husband Brian already and I haven't left here yet! Please don't road rage the "Travelling Ant Book Van" as I may be a bit slow at times as I find my way about.

Shepparton Printing Service have again done a marvellous job with the printing and I will also pick up another edition of Playing Possum as well - its second reprint!
This trip I will be a guest author at the following schools in celebration of the Premiers literacy program in Victoria - starting with Laharum and Dunkeld Primarys in the Grampians, St. Patricks in Camperdown and Simpson Primary in the Warrnambool area, Lorne P12 and Apollo P12 on the shipwreck coast and Beaufort Primary and the four Woady Yallock schools - Ross Creek, Snake Valley, Scarsdale and Smythesdale all in the Ballarat area. Hi to all the students - sharpen your pencils and get ready for some fun and laughter.

There will be a stack of book signings so if you live in Numurkah  22nd March Numurkah Newsagency , MOCO Gallery Halls Gap 10th April, Horsham Red Rock Books 11th April, Stawell Gifted Wombat 12th April, Lorne Waitogo 19th April, Colac Blanes Newsagency 26th April or are going to Book Town in Clunes 3rd and 4th May say Hi and check out my stand of books. My illustrator Helen will be with me where possible and is looking forward to Book Town on the first weekend in May with We're All About Books - we are their guest author and illustrator.

Dan Glover from ABC Horsham has kindly offered to launch both books on Wednesday 9th of April at MOCO Gallery at 6pm. If you would like to join us give Monique a ring 03 53564664 and join us - Helen and I are also hosting our two day workshop there on the 14th and 15th of April so again ring Monique for details and bookings. Helen will be teaching all of us how to work in pastel while I will be giving a step by step guide to publishing your writing project no matter how large or small - family histories a speciality and little family books to celebrate special occassions right through to your first novel. In the afternoon we will be writing a simple 500 word blog then publishing it on ABC Open - so then everyone can say they are published authors!

Give me a wave as I sail by and drop in on any of the above events to catch up and see the latest of our work. This little ant is now working on the next children's book and collection of short stories with Helen doing a sterling job of bringing them to life with her vibrant illustrations. See you soon and watch ABC Open for Chook Lit blogs or any of my latest postings on their website.